Monday, December 21, 2009

new'fun'land part 2

Hey Everybody, How is she cutting? (as they say in newfoundland for asking how are you)

I finished my first semester in Canada this month. I got to know the education system of western countries better then i had known ever before. My friends might take it as a joke, but i really worked hard acadimically. This was partly because of my previous knowledge which was almost zero (thanx to my 4 year holiday at IIT) and partly because i wanted to maintain an 80% this time. I almost succeded. Results just came out and i got 81% , 79% and 72% in 3 subjects i took making it a total of 77% approx. Not bad for me seeing my previous record for sure, but i will try harder next semester. The goal is 80%.

If i compare the organised university education system in canada and india now, i get a feeling that west is still way ahead. My collegues in india were by far smarter then most of my collegues here in canada but the amount of research that goes in at university here and the superorganised industry-acadmia collaboration dazzles me. In a broder perspective, it dazzles me that how a country like canada of size 3 times that of india and population 3% that of india maintains itself so beautifully. As i often say to my friends here, even the wilderness seems organised in Canada.

Anyways, i will keep trying to break the code, as always. As of now, i have decently acclemetised with the climate here. I have come to term with life in sub zero temperature. It sucks to sit in house all day because its freezing outside, it sucks to sit on the freezing toilet seat everyday, it sucks when i wake up every morning because the house heating dries my throat and choakes me when i am in sleep, but ... i am doing just fine!

I am coming to terms with life of canadians which used to freek me out when i came here. This whole society is obsessed with individuality, but somehow i find them most unindivisual (not sure if its a correct word). Capacity of canadian, westerners generally, to follow intructions is amazing. I dont know how to explain myself, its just that the longer i am staying here, the more critical i am becoming of western society. Everytime i compare the beliefs of hinduism with beliefs of westerners, it becomes evident that hinduism is by far the most mature religion. It is becoming evident to me that for hinduism, most for the things/thought processes/events that are happening in west are 'been there, done that' kind of thing. I can see christianity slowing dying here, i can see how cool it is for residents here to say that they don't believe in god, i can feel why so many civilizations/beliefs/religions came to earth and disappeared and now i can understand why hinduism stayed for ever and will stay for ever. As its famously said in india 'kuch to baat hai ki hasti mitati nahi hamari (there is something in india which makes it never lasting)'.

Sitting in this remote corner of the world, i miss home. I have good friends around and i am learning a lot academically but i know for sure that i will not stay here for more then 2 years. This life is just too comfertable for me. I dont like the differences that exist in the world. I dont like it when i see that ppl working as waiter/waitress here can afford to fly/travel around the world/use blackberry phones/ have cars where as my father who is working as a doctor from past so many years has to think so many times before doing/using anything similar. I dont want india to become like west, not at all, but i am just very uncomfertable with the differences.

Signing off,


Ashesh Raghav said...

hey karan!
just went thru ur blog..
i m a die hard freak of knowing cultures and traditions of various ethnic regions and ur blog seemed to be of my interest. Actually i got your blog URL as u r just one of those other 36 bloggers from Sitamarhi apart from me. It seems that ur father is a friend of my dadaji... if i m nt wrong. can u please help me out tracing this..?

happy blogging..!!

Karan Bhawsinka said...

hey raghav, nice to hear from you ... my fathers name is Dr. Suresh Bhawsinka. You can ask your dadaji if he knows him.

Ashesh Raghav said...

yea.. he knows him . MY dadaji's name is Er. Raghav Lal. Your dad knows him. Anyway leave this stuff... Good to see a fellow blogger from Sitamarhi. Did u chk my blog..??

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this opinion, feels good to hear s foreigner, non-western, speaking out his opinion. When I came back from Asia, I was also extremely critical of the West, and I still am just as much. My society has lost itself and has been surpassed by its technology and level of comfort. Everything is so easy and comfortable now, we should have stopped speeding up the process of production a long time ago. Unfortunately, we haven't, and this system is not sustainable; it is already failing our planet, and soon will have dramatic consequences on all living beings. I am so sorry for it, and I am doing everything I can to try to slow the catastrophe, but of course it won't be enough.
Now I don't think a religion can be more ''mature'' than another one. I don't see how hinduism is better than christianity. Hinduism has also brought about so much suffering. The difference is, now christianity has practically no influence left on the western society. Our science has brought it down and replaced it, along with materialism. Now these are very young trends. A void was created when christianity fell, we tried to fulfill it with equations and overconsumption. Of course it has only made the void bigger and bigger, plus it has destroyed our planet. Let humanity touch the end of the barrel, I think it needs it. Only then will it be able to turn around and start again. Then, who knows what will happen...I like to think it can only be better. Please don't think too bad of us; it is not anyone's fault if this system has setteled here, and we can't get rid of it just like this. And may I point out that the effects of materialism frenzy are extremely violent in India...
Plus, don't take it personnally, but this critic was probably easy to make as a man...I imagine an Indian women coming to Canada wouldn't have the same things to say.
Now don't think I'm trying to defend the West coz I'm not....I'm just saying we are, first of all, one being. And of that I know generally the West is not conscious. Second, all humans are fundamentally the same, and all societies and people have their good and their faults.
You have the good climate and the opportunities for the spirit to get lifted.
We have material and health security, and rules and justice to protect what we call our rights. Your women and sick are persecuted, and you have very little freedom - most of the time, your fate is determined before you're born.
We destroyed the nature, and we have a spiritual void that makes us lost, that leaves us wondering, feeling unsafe spiritually.
Even if you could tell me what's better, what use could it be? We're all in the same boat.
I love you, now let’s hold hands and do our best to be happy and make all living beings as happy as us.

Jaks said...

hey!...........once again as usual u proved by an large ur idea presenting capability.with all intended flavours......keep going man!

Pratik Hakay said...

Karan dude ....Namaste !! I just became a fan of your blog. I really like these travels and knowing stuff ... interestingly, it so happens that you have addressed all of my interests in your blogs ...

I am gonna follow your blog and drop u a mail soon ... ek masto travel plan sorts hai ... batata hoon ... I think you would want to know it ..
take care buddy .... nice to see you! :)

Karan Bhawsinka said...

@ hakey: yo man, waiting for ur mail

@ marion: we will talk in person :)

@ Jaks: Love you too darling!!

Vijay Kumar said...

Karan... The most primary and fundamental belief of Hinduism is... every single human being on mother earth has potential of becoming an enlightened one like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed! No matter what... the teachings of Bhagavad Gita are absolute! Lord Krishna has made this one particular point absolutely clear in doctrine of Bhagavad Gita.

Another fundamental belief is presence of a soul atman within human body! As per Hinduism beliefs journey of life belongs to our soul atman and not human form! Our soul atman manifested human body to work out its karma... remove dross impurities within! The moment complete dross impurities within soul atman removed... it reached stage of liberation (Mukti) forever!