Friday, May 17, 2013

Life in late 20's!

Hey invisible people, how are you? Here i go again, with my random rants about random things in my random life. Well the thing is that i am 27 and off-lately i am feeling the effects of being in late twenties. A lot of things have changed within me quite quickly within past couple of years. I have realized a lot of things and have probably understood myself and the world better. I wanted to share some of these changes/realizations with you:

  • Until few years ago, i use to think that i will never make great friends. Somehow i always missed having a 'gang' which i can call my own. That has changed. I have in past couple of years met some people who i consider my gang. I know they will stand by me in the toughest situations. This has given me a lot of personal confidence. Even tough most of them live far away from me, they are a big part of my life.
  • I don't know why but I always avoid confrontation. If i don't like something that you do, i find it very hard to communicate it to you. And because i cannot take my anger/irritation out on time, it bothers me for a long time. Sometimes, things pile up inside me and i burst in the end when i cannot take it anymore. I know it is not a nice way of dealing with these kind of situations. I hope i can change this soon.
  • I still don't know swimming and driving and i consider this a big weakness. I am not sure if i want to learn driving anytime soon but i want to learn swimming pretty bad. If any of you living in wageningen can help me learn swimming, I will be very grateful.
  • I am becoming more comfortable with my professional life. A lot of people around me would tell me that its a great thing but i am not so confident about that. I have always dreamt of having my own company and making it big out there. Somehow this new found comfort with my present job is a bit unnerving. These days i wonder ... Will i ever have my own company? 
  • Recently i saw a picture of my parents. My dad looked much older then i remember. This made me realize that in past 4 years, i have hardly been with them for a month. It breaks my heart. Tough i have learnt a lot in life by living abroad, i would never be able to make up for this missed time with my family. I cannot wait to see them all again next month.
  • I have become quite comfortable with who i am personally. If you like me as a person, that's great. If you don't ... Whatever!
  • I have an average intellect but i am a fighter. I have achieved most things in life by not giving up.
  • Through observation and through practice, I have become a much better cook. Its such an important and satisfying skill. I think every one should learn cooking.
  • I am finally doing a job that i like. I cannot say that its my dream job but i do like it. And that's itself a big step ahead for me. Its intellectually stimulating and gives me tremendous freedom to work and live the way i want. If i ever have a company of my own in future, i will make sure i treat my employees like my present employer treats me.
  • I have realized (quite late, I know) that friendship is a both way bond. I have totally stopped putting effort in friendships which I realized were one sided. It saves me a lot of effort and gives me a lot of free time to do the things that I like.  
  • I am still searching for that one thing that is my natural talent ... that one thing that comes naturally to me ... that one thing that i can become best in the world in. 
  • I have accepted that politics is an integral part of life, professional or personal. Those who ignore it are always at a loss.
  • I have realized that intellect is just one talent. Sometimes we give way too much importance to it. I have met people in past few years who i would say had average or even below average intellect but i was convinced that they will do great in their life.
  • One of my finest realizations has been that love is my freedom. Some of my most peaceful and free moments were in the arms of my lovers. Only true love has freed me from all desires, it sounds ironical but its true.

I cannot think of anymore points at the moment and tomorrow i am going to Amsterdam for a day trip with some friends, so i better get some sleep now! But i will sign off with a recent pic ;)

Fish and Fisherman :P
