Monday, March 25, 2013

Netherlands - Part 3

Hello everyone,

As you can see, i am not quite keeping up with my new year resolution. I couldn't upload my blog in February L ... but well, i hope to be more frequent in future.  On the other hand, i completed one of my resolutions. I submitted a conference paper and it got accepted. So i am going to Marseille on 6th April to present it. The conference is called IWWWFB (International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies) and the website is - After the conference, i took couple of days off. So including the weekend, i will have a lot of time for sightseeing and for getting some sun in Marseille J. I cannot wait as i am getting pretty fed up of crappy Dutch weather. And off-course i will be couchsurfing on my free days!

Apart from that, i really need to put more effort in learning Dutch quickly. Other international colleagues who started with me are already on a more advanced level than me. I have to agree, i have been lazy on this front, almost never doing my homework L ... a couple of weeks ago, the director of my company suggested me that i should find a Dutch girlfriend. According to him it’s the best way to speedup Dutch learning. I have to agree, it seems to be working for other internationals who have Dutch partners haha but well, i told him it’s too late for that now ;)

For the moment, there are quite a lot of things to look forward in life. Coming weekend is a super-long weekend with Friday and Monday off and on Saturday I will go to Arnhem with my housemates and other friends from Wageningen to celebrate holi. And guess what, we have plans to make space cake and bhang before the holi party :D. Then the next weekend i fly to marseille for a week. After that, i want to finally go to keukenhof to see the iconic tulip fields. Than by the end of May, i am planing to take a month long holiday to go to India. Probably i am going to be deep fried with all the heat!! But well on the other side, i will eat so many mangoes J. We have mango trees just outside my dad’s clinic and my brother who is right now in sitamarhi for holidays told me that its already possible to pluck unripe mangoes from first floor windows haha. I also plan to do a lot of travelling in India this time. I will probably visit mumbai, bangalore and hyderabad.

Well that was a shot update of things that are happening in my life. For the moment, i am having a ball! Hope you are as well.

My second job ;)
