Monday, December 31, 2012

Life in 2012 and wishes for 2013!

Hoi readers,

How are you all? I have been thinking from a while to write again, but you know, I am a lazy man! My work load is pretty high and I have been travelling during a lot of weekends, so time is flying at the moment. I have met so many people in past few months from KGP, its actually pretty awesome to think about it. Shivaji Bose, KC, Chuha, Sonam, Abhi Da, Dholu, Bhangar, Nirav, all passed by Holland and I got a chance to show them around and spend some quality time with them. It was great to meet you all guys! In this globalized world where people are living everywhere for work and education, it has become very hard to maintain a meaningful long term friendship. It needs a lot of hard work, calling each other, making efforts to remember important dates and most importantly, not missing a slightest chance of meeting each other. Lets hope this series of visitors never end!! My doors are open for you guys :)

Well, 2012 is coming to an end. In few hours, it will be 2013! As the trend goes, I have also made some New Year resolutions and I want to share them with you:

  • To invest in property in India
  • To gain decent proficiency in Dutch language
  • To get in shape :P
  • To write a blog post once every month
  • To publish at least 1 research paper
  • To trek from Rohtang Pass to Ladakh
  • To take a train from Amsterdam to St. Petersburg via Moscow

All these wishes, I aim to fulfill in 2013. I have more wishes, but their execution is not totally under my control. Hence I am not making them my resolutions but I still hope they come true.

As of 2012 … well, I have to say, it was an interesting year for me! An year of emotional ups and downs, an year of personal achievements and an year of making great new friends. Here are few pics that summarize the year gone by:

Himanshu, dipping his chips into my coffee :P 

With KC and Abhi da @ Amsterdam Central Station
With Gangwal, Kshitij, Havas and Yogi @ Ranthambore Fort

Snake dance with Priyanka @ Arnhem for Holi

ISTANBUL with Saima!!
With Chuha and Sonam @ Montmartre, Paris

Rock and Roll party in Antwerp, Belgium!
With colleagues @ Efteling theme park :)
With colleagues @ MARIN open day
With Bobby and John @ Copenhagen
Shankar Ji on his birthday! 
Me, John and Iris made masala dosa and sambhar :)

with Eva, one of my two new awesome flatmates! :) 

For the moment I wish all the readers a very happy new year or a Gelukkig Nieuwjaar :)
