Monday, June 11, 2012

Netherlands - Part 2

Hello everyone,

So it has been more then 4 months since i came to Wageningen. Life has been very interesting since then. I have met some really cool people in town and my job at MARIN is very challenging. So life has been good! I dont have a lot of time to write at the moment, so this blog post will be with lots of pictures instead ;)

  • We celebrated Shankar Ji's birthday in style
Birthday celebration of Shankar ji :)
Us fulfilling the 'cake in your face' ritual :)
We had a picnic at the Rhine river before Birthday celebrations!
  • We went to Texel island for a weekend

Brunch with the twins before catching the ferry
We biked almost 30 km that day on texel
Enjoying at  the beach!
Break from biking :)
With Kuppu (R) and Shankar (L) near the harbour
The Texel Gang!
  • Me, John and Marta hosted a big Couchsurfing meeting @ my apartment
The CS crew
I love couchsurfing :)
Food @ Spicy potluck in wageningen!
Watching Holland-Denmark soccer game with the CS gang @ the doctor's pub
lol :)
The CS crew after the match @ Wageningen Center
  • My legs in Holland!
The most precious thing i own in wageningen!
  • Claire came to visit me in Wageningen from France and we went to see Perrine :)
Flowers and Claire :) 
  • So one of the best Holi celebration of my life was in Holland! 
Holi 2012 @ Arnhem
  • I traveled to Antwerp with Elske
Yes we are tourists :P
Belgian beers and me... mmmmm
Rock and Roll party at Antwerp
We time traveled to 50's that night :)
So that's all for the moment! I have few things lined up in coming weeks and i am very excited about them. I am going to Istanbul in July to meet Saima!!!! And then Ewa is coming to Wageningen for  2 weeks in the beginning of August :)

Good times!!! :)

Tot dan,