Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hi one, Hello all :)

hello europe! (cape spear)

I will describe my 10 days in new"fun"land in short...

I took my air canada flight to st. john's from montreal at 2pm (montreal time) on 5th Sep'09. The flight was usual one and as i had expected, i met few new international students going to join MUN. One guy from india and one from china, both of their name i don't remember now, were sitting around me. Chinese guy was very interested to see outside the window and hence, tough i had a window seat, i exchanged seat from him.The indian guy who was sitting just behind me had become friends with a japanese girl by now, who was coming to st . john's as a tourist. Few days later when i met him, he told me that they toured around st. john's for 3 days together. We reached st. john's at around 5:30 pm local time. So after compleating the formalities at airport and after meeting the university representatives, i took a cab to my previously arranged accommodation. I am going to stay ("surf the couch") for coming 2-3 days with a couchsurfer. For more details, visit: When i reached his doors, he warmly welcomed me. We talked about ins and outs of life, had dinner and retired for the day. For coming 2 days he helped me to find a permanent house, showed me around city, made me a honourary newfoundlander by getting me screeched in. I am very sure that i am the first international student of this year to take part in this ceremony.

the battery :)

Now, the place where i shifted used to be a youth hostel (mentioned in lonely planet travel guide) for travellers and the land lady recently converted it to student residance. They still have a dorm for travellers. So almost everyday when i come back from school, i meet someone from a different corner of the world. And there are full time students from canada and nigeria living here. I think it is a great way to live.

10 days here and i have already seen cape spear (the most eastern point in north america) and quidi-vidi brewery and have done a hike around fresh water bay. Till now the experiance have been amazing but i am not at all comfortable with the dropping temperature. People have already started telling me the tales about terrible winter. Window's will break, main door will not open and u will have to jump from the window, your ass will freeze, you can snowboard from your home to the university etc. etc. huffff i am kind off affraid ... but we will see ... we will join hands and keep moving :)

I have started playing basketball, today i signed up for juggling and fencing classes, i have met my supervisors, i have attended classes and i am in full spirit to cherish life as it comes.

Wisdom Unlimited ...