Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The French Experience!!! part - 3

Few days ago I went to Rennes for a weekend with my German friends Carina and Alina. It's a beautiful city around 250 km from Brest and is the capital of Brittany region. We went there by carpooling and obviously couchsurfed.

Crazy people

It was fun!!! I will try to brief my experiences in points:

1. Every Saturday, Rennes is buzzing because of its beautiful street market. So we went there to know about local French customs. We bought some great Jam with caramel and apricot which I plan to take back home. We talked to a person who was selling meat. I enquired about a strange looking thing and he said that they are "balls" of duck ... and they are from India! :O :O :O ... he said that people in India eat a lot of these balls ... after this I didn't had the guts of telling him that I am from India! :)

Market sceen! :)

Can you dare to eat this?
2. We saw some really interesting things on the streets. Here, just a day before marriage, bride goes out with his friends in strange funky clothes (one I saw was wearing a condom over his head!) and is allowed to kiss any woman he likes on streets. And no girl refuses to offer him a kiss as this is his last chance to kiss different women then her would be wife :) ... funny ... isn't it? The same is also followed for bridegrooms ... no partiality :P

Got Kissed :)

3. This city has a street known as La rue de la soif ... or "The Street of Thirst". Its famous all over France. Its filled with pubs, curtsy the huge student population of the city :) Thursday night is the time to be here ... its crazy ... people rolling on streets ... girls howling on there boyfriends, puke everywhere and loud music ... yeah ... a true symbol of western student lifestyle :)

The king of good times! :D

4. If you ask for a café in France and don't mention anything else then you will be served with an espresso coffee. It's so strong that most of the time you will end up leaving it like that! So if you want a decent coffee which you can drink if you try hard ... ask for a 'café grand' ... which is served with a bit more sugar and a little milk :)

5. If you are in France and you have to attend a French Birthday and if you don't know what to buy as a gift ... don't worry ... just pick up any interesting road sign from the street and present it as a gift. Almost every French student have few of them in their rooms. When they are drunk and when they want to do something mischievous ... this is the best thing they can think of almost every time :P


I think these were the funniest things that I experienced in Rennes but many other things happened. We bought some cedar, baguette and goat and sheep cheese for our lunch (wow ... completely French!) ... discussed about wine and Christianity where I foolishly declared wine as unpurified blood of Jesus :O, had some drinks and joints (French call it 'shit') with our great couchsurfing host Helen, met a guy at Street of Thrust who wanted to kiss me :P, met a gay couple (according to alina they were gay but I doubt it!) ... got kicked by a French drunkard because alina teased him and he didn't wanted to fight with a girl :P ... mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm :) this trip was fun! :D

The Kabab Times!! :)

Santé, (cheers in French!)