Sunday, February 24, 2019

Cost of living in Netherlands

Dear readers,

After living here in Netherlands for 7 years, I think I am in good position to give a detailed analysis of the question many of you might be interested in - "What is the cost of living in Netherlands per month?". 

I keep seeing these questions in many forums and people relocating to netherlands often ask this question. So based on my experience, let me answer this question for you. The living expense calculations shown below are based on following assumptions about your lifestyle:

- You are an Expat
- 2 person household (no kids)
- Mortgage/rent of 3BHK apartment 
- Ownership of car
- Active lifestyle (frequent eating out, euro trips etc.)

Fixed monthly costs for 2 person household (paid per month)

Apartment Costs (assuming you don't live in Amsterdam)
Rent/Mortgage of 3 BHK apartment (including service charges/VVE contribution): 1250 euros
Electricity + Heating: 110 euro (can be much more depending on house insulation and your temperature setup)
Internet + TV: 45 euros
Water: 10 euros

Car insurance: 50 euros
Motorrijtuigenbelasting (Road tax): 50 euros

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (for 2 connections): 80 euros

Health insurance (total for two persons): 225 euros (including collective health insurance discount from employer and excluding dental and physio)

Gym membership (total for two persons): 50 euros

Variable monthly costs for 2 person household (paid per month)

Food and Drinks
Average cost of groceries: 300 euros
Average cost of restaurant bills, take out food, bar drinks: 300 euros

Other items (shopping, car fuel, travelling etc)
Average costs: 800 euros

Fixed yearly costs for 2 person household (paid once per year)

Car roadside assistance (Pechhulp): 100 euros
Car annual maintenance: 200 euros (can be much more than this)

Apartment related taxes (will be lower when renting)
Onroerendezaakbelasting (property tax, can be ignored when renting): 300 euros
Waterschapsbelasting (water board tax): 105 euros
Afvalstoffenheffing (waste collection levy): 340 euros
Rioolheffing (sewage levy): 150 euros


Conclusions (based on assumptions shown above):
- Total monthly cost of a two person household in Netherlands is 3270 euros
- On top of this, you can expect to pay 895 euros per year as shown above.

So according to my calculations, you can expect to pay these amounts from your monthly net salary. I hope this helps you in your financial planning.

If you live in a shared accommodation, do not eat out or travel frequently, do not have a car and do limited shopping then you can reduce a maximum 1000 euros from the monthly expenses mentioned above. On the other hand, you can have unexpected costs related to apartment and car maintenance, own risk of health insurance, much higher heating costs etc. So you need to take all this into account.

I hope you have an awesome day!


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Recap of eventful 2018

Dear lovely people,

Its 11 year anniversary of my blog. Something that started as result of a bad breakup has come a long way.

Spring Sun, Almere 2018
Let me tell you the story of our 2018. What an year!! When I look back, we are amazed at how much we managed to achieve this year. First new thing this year was Shan started her own jewellery business in Netherlands. She now runs a successful webshop It was a great learning experience for her, she went through all the hassles for starting a business: registering the company, making the website, opening an business bank account, hiring an accountant, learning to do bookkeeping, filing VAT return 4 times per year, finding wholesalers all across the globe etc. etc. And most of this information was only in dutch which only added to the complexity of things. But thats what makes it so exciting! 

Shan Jewellery - visit her websop at
Another exciting thing that happened this year was that my brother got married in Patna. Sayantani and I were in India for few weeks in June this year for the wedding. As always, it was madness. So much fun, family and food. Every time I go back to India, I realize I am such a desi guy at heart. I miss my family and weddings are such great occasions to meet everyone.

The cool Bhawsinkas! What a great gang of brothers and sisters :)

All the best brother!
In the meantime, Shan managed to get her driving licence in Holland and we bought our first car - Toyota Auris Hybrid. It was sad to return our Citroen C4 Cactus but it was on a private lease and we had to give it back as the lease was ending.

Me and Auris ...
Then in May, we went to Panama. I was attending a conference and Sayantani joined me there. It was our first time in South America. As Indian citizens, we need a Visa to enter Panama. When I enquired about it in the Panamanian embassy in Netherlands, they told me it will take months for them to issue my visa. They informed me that if I have a US visa and I have used it once to enter US, then I can enter Panama visa free. So we applied for a US visa in Netherlands and both of us got a 10 year US visa within 1 week. It was great!! So we booked our flights from Amsterdam to Miami, stayed overnight in Miami to use our US visa once, and then flew from Miami to Panama. We could pass the immigration in Panama City hassle free. It was hot and humid.

We stayed in Riu Plaza Hotel in Panama City

Shan exploring the ruins at Museo de Panama Viejo

Artisan market in Panama City
Us with the backdrop of Panama City (somewhere along the Amador Causeway)

The conference organizers had planned a trip for everyone to the Panama Canal locks. First we visited the Miraflores Locks on the pacific side of Panama and then the Agua Clara locks on the caribbean side of Panama. We took a train ride to cross the whole country alongside the man made lake which acts as canal for ships transiting from one side of panama to other. An impressive engineering marvel, the canals are lifeline of the panamanian economy.  

Miraflores Locks on the pacific ocean side and Gatun locks on the caribbean sea side
Me at the Miraflores Locks

Us with local panamanian dancers at Miraflores Locks

The one with the classic Panama Canal Railway
Most of my time in Panama was spent attending the conference. So when the conference ended, we decided to go to an island in the middle of nowhere for a weekend. We went to San Blas islands!! Its a paradise archipelago on the caribbean coast of Panama and its totally controlled by native tribes called Gunas. We booked a package tour with one of the agents which included return transportation to the islands, overnight stay and boat tour of few islands. I have to say that San Blas islands was the most raw and beautiful place I have ever been to. The facilities on the islands are really basic, you stay in beach huts and you have shared toilets. The gunas cook food for tourists, mostly fish and plantain based meals. Basic but delicious. Rest is wild nature, sun and sand. We stayed overnight on Isla Diablo. You travel from Panama city in a licenced 4 by 4 vehicle of the travel agent. The crazy drive takes about 3 hours. I highly recommend the use of car sickness medication. Gravol literally saved my life. The road trip ends at the carribean coast where you will probably wait for an hour before taking the water taxi with the Gunas. In 30-40 minutes, the water taxi reaches Isla Diablo.

   Isla Diablo, San Blas Islands, Panama

Basic beach huts on Isla Diablo
Sand and waves, under her feet...

Fish and Rice for Sayantani
Plantain and veggies for me, yummy in my tummy! :P

Experience the thrill and freedom ...
Ready for our island hopping day trip!
Snorkeling @ Isla Perro 

Shan enjoying the warm caribbean breeze on a swing ...

After our weekend trip, we traveled back to Panama city, stayed another night in a hotel and then flew back to Amsterdam on the next day.

Then in end of July, we started our 3 weeks holiday in New York. We had planned this trip in great detail as we were going to cover a lot of ground in this trip. From New York, we flew to Toronto from where we travelled further to Quebec City, Montreal and Halifax before flying back to Amsterdam. We already had a US visa, so we only needed to apply for a Canadian visa which was also issued to us for 10 years. Great stuff! We stayed with Shan's aunt in New Jersey, met with old friends who now live in NYC, did all the cliche tourist trap things - Empire state building, wall street, times square, staten island ferry etc. etc. and ate a shit load of awesome food. I have to say, the variety of food available in US is way larger and the price is way cheaper than in Netherlands. I was drooling over all the Chinese and Indian food we ate!

Shan and the bull @ wall street ;)

On top of Empire State Building

With KGP friends in New York

Munching in Chinatown in NYC 

Visiting Shans Family in New Jersey 

Us @ Times Square 
From New York, we flew to Toronto. Many old memories came back. Flying from New York to Toronto, you see the difference in wealth immediately. Travelling from Toronto Airport to the city center, you pass through various run down suburbs. City center of Toronto is nice, tidy and modern but suburbs are another story. 

Shan at one of the streets in Yorkville neighbourhood in Toronto

Distillery District in Toronto is very instagramable 

Tandem cycling on Toronto Island
Us @ Niagara Falls

From Toronto, we flew to Quebec City. Totally different from most cities in this part of the world, it has a charm of its own. And its surrounded by great nature. 

We celebrated Shan's birthday @ Fairmont Le Château Frontenac in Quebec City

Roaming the beautiful streets of Quebec City

The colourful sky over her head ....
In Quebec city, we hired a car and went north for a road trip. The nature is pretty much untouched north of quebec city. We drove along the St. Lawrence river as far as we wanted, took multiple breaks and visited parks, waterfalls and lavender fields. The landscape is fantastic and driving is easy. Highly recommended if you are visiting Quebec city!

Me and Mooooose ;)
Us @ Chute Sainte-Anne (waterfall is 'chute' in french)
The intoxicating smell of lavender @ Azulee farm in Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec 

The fresh cold water was refreshing in the august heat (Baie-Saint-Paul, Quebec)
From Quebec city, we took a train ride to reach Montreal. We spent a day in town meeting old friends from my university time in Canada.

Us with Cristy and Purna and their partners in Montreal ... chatting about good old days :)
Next day, we rented a car and took a road trip to see 1000 islands. We drove to Gananoque and did a 2 hour cruise of the islands.

Shan posing at the Gananoque waterfront
Next day, we went to see the international balloon festival in a nearby village. It was not as exciting as we had imagined but we had fun seeing all the colourful balloons in the sky. 

International Balloon Festival, Montreal 2018
Our last stop of this trip was Halifax in Atlantic Canada. Here we stayed at the hotel in Dartmouth side. The largest canadian city on the Atlantic coast, Halifax is an beautiful coastal town in Canada. The waterfront is magical and filled with Lobster restaurants and souvenir shops. Here we had one of the best ice cream evers at COWS Halifax. Highly recommended!

Somewhere between Halifax and Peggy's Cove along the lighthouse route
One of our stops during our drive to Lunenburg 

On our way to Peggy's Cove!

One must experience the fury of the Atlantic ocean from Peggy's cove lighthouse

Lobsters are omnipresent in this part of the world! 
As I write this blog, we are preparing for new challenges and experiences that 2019 will bring to us. We already have some trips for which we are planning. Every year we think that we will take the next year a bit easy but by the end of the year somehow we are always amazed at how much we managed to see, do and achieve.

I wish all my readers a very happy new year! See you all in 2019. 


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Recap of our travels in 2017

Dear lovely people,

Sitting in Sitamarhi on my parents couch, i finally have time to update my blog. It has been almost 1.5 years since I last wrote! Its a long due post. 

Just after my trip to Corsica in 2016, I switched jobs. Since then I have been so busy that never had the motivation or energy to update my blog. Its not that we have not traveled or explored the world, we definitely have. In 2016 after our Corsica trip, my parents visited Netherlands with whom we went to Switzerland on an amazing 1 week trip. We also visited Berlin for the wedding of Sayantani's cousin sister. Then in November 2016, we went to India for my cousin sister Palak's wedding in Bangalore. It was a one month India trip in which we visited Bangalore, Jaipur and Sitamarhi. On top of all this travel, I was also adjusting to my new work environment. My new job was very demanding and I had to setup the whole program from almost zero. From defining the aims and objectives of the program to building the team (we went from only me to a 5 people team in 1 year) to defining the whole work flow and deliverable. It was a great learning experience for me to work in a multilayered organization as big as Carnival. Its totally different than working in a small company!

Anyways, so much has happened in 2017 itself that I wont write about 2016 in this post. Our first trip in 2017 was to Algarve in Portugal. The sun kissed southern coast of Portugal took our breadth away and this coast line has since become our favorite holiday destination. We went in middle of April and the weather was just perfect for sightseeing! We flew to Faro from Amsterdam via TUI and booked a hotel in Abufeira town right next to the main beach. We rented a car there and drove around the coast for next 2 days. The town is filled with rowdy British tourists and therefore there are plenty of Indian restaurants and the sports bars were showing IPL matches!

Sun baked in Algarve, Portugal

The town of Albufeira, Portugal 

Somewhere along the Algarve coast line ...

Wild coastline of Algarve, Portugal

Then a few weeks later, we went to Krakow, Poland with 3 of our friends. It was a long weekend trip and though the weather was cold and rainy, we had a great time. We ate Perogies like there is no tomorrow! Krakow is young and vibrant city. Its not as multicultural as most western European cities but this fact just adds to its charm. Its a great city to go when you are young and single. The women are pretty, dress sexy and drink more vodka than you ever can. The nightlife is just awesome. Don't miss out on clubbing when you are in Krakow! 

Krakow nights!
Apart from all the bottles of Vodka we finished, we also ate at The famous grandma's kitchen called 'Kuchnia U Babci Maliny'. Amazing and cheap food and recommended restaurant! Don't miss the soup served inside the bread bowl.

On one afternoon, we went to another landmark The underground Wieliczka Salt Mine. Its a must visit for anyone visiting Krakow. Its was a unique experience unlike anything I had ever seen. The underground cathedral shown below was a masterpiece.

Underground Cathedral in Krakow salt mines
Then we took our most exciting 2 week holiday in end of May. We spent 1 week backpacking in Italy (covering Pisa, Cinque-Terra, Florence, Tuscan villages, Rome) and 1 week on a sexy cruise ship in the Mediterranean sea (covering Sicily-Kotor-Corfu-Crete-Mykonos-Athens)!

Onboard Cruise Ship Royal Princess

The unique architecture of Cinque Terre, Italy

Colorful liqueur store in Greek island of Crete selling Raki and Ouzo

And the prettiest of all, The Mykonos

Shan modelling in Mykonos

Leaning tower of Pisa and Le Pose'

Lost in Tuscan wind fields

Our roman conquest lasted just 1 day!

More recently we attended the Dandiya and Durga Pooja ceebrations in Netherlands. Dandiya was organized by Bridging the Gap and it was as colorful as it gets. The gujju crowd went crazy. Shan gave a stunning dance performance during durga pooja celebrations organized by Kallol.

Dandia celebrations in Netherlands

Shan performing during Durga Puja 2017 celebrations in Netherlands 

Then we visiting the Dutch island of Terschelling for a weekend with a bunch of friends. Its a wind swept island with lots of sheep. Its considered a party island for teenagers in Netherlands, they all go camping there and do binge drinking.

On the Dutch island of Terschelling 
In the meantime Shan's parents visited Netherlands for 3 months to celebrate the birth of their first grand kid. We spent some great time together and celebrated the birth of Rylie.

My in-laws eating waffles in Bruges, Belgium

A rare family pic with the newest member (Almere, 2017)
Just a few weeks after they left, we started our 3 weeks India trip. We attended my cousins wedding on 29th November in Sitamarhi and I am going to Bangalore on 12th December. We will be back in Netherlands on 18th December.  

The bride and the groom! Congratulations!

The perfect family pic! 

Shan blessed by ladies of the house :)

And finally, I found this amazing pic of my grandfather! He made a euro trip with his friends sometime in 1970. What amazing swag, no one can match his smarts in our family.

My grand father (2nd from right) visiting Paris sometime around 1970. Such Swag!!

That is all from 2017. Wishing you all a great 2018! Keep exploring...
